新荘園Top pageバナー

Shinsoen iidabashi store All-you-can-eat menu

★★★ all-you-can-drink Premium course(50 items + 7 premium items with all-you-can-eat & 2 hours) 6,000 yen

□□□ all-you-can-drink Standard course(50 items items with all-you-can-eat & 2 hours)5,500 yen

★★★ all-you-can-drink Premium course(50 items + 7 premium items with all-you-can-eat & 2 hours) 6,000 yen

□□□ all-you-can-drink Standard course(50 items items with all-you-can-eat & 2 hours) 5,500 yen

Shinsoen iidabashi

  • 単品メニュー
  • 定食&セットメニュー
  • コース料理メニュー