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Shinsoen iidabashi store about us

Shinsoen Iidabashi store opened in November 2011 as a restaurant that serves authentic Sichuan cuisine and Shanghai cuisine.
We are particular about the taste of the food, and we also consider drinks such as Shaoxing wine that match the food. One of the features is the store with "Kaikeizan", which is recognized as one of the Shaoxing rice wine in China.
Our shop also has Chinese-speaking staff to accommodate foreign tourists. Please enjoy authentic Sichuan cuisine and Shanghai cuisine together.
Shop owner / All staff


The Shinsoen Iidabashi store is a restaurant that offers a large number of Shaoxing wines from "Kaikeizan", which is also recognized as a state guest sake in China.
As a famous Shaoxing wine brand, there is Koetsu Ryuzan, which is also recognized as a state guest sake, and both brands are difficult to attach. At Shinsoen, we dealt with "Mt. Xianglu," which has a low distribution and is particular about pottery, as well as being particular about genuine makers.
Please enjoy genuine Shaoxing wine with authentic Chinese food. <★ The photo is an image>


The outdoor Shinsoen beer garden is available for a limited time until the end of October.
Enjoy eating and drinking while looking up at the night sky in the beer garden. In addition, you can pour draft beer yourself in the beer garden, so you can enjoy all-you-can-drink while having fun. Furthermore, by choosing an all-you-can-eat plan, everyone can enjoy all-you-can-eat in an open space.
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Sichuan cuisine, where the authentic chef is particular about the ingredients and taste, has many exquisite tastes that are featured in various media such as TV and magazines.
When you come to the Iidabashi store, we would like you to enjoy Sichuan cuisine.
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"Order-style all-you-can-eat" was born from the customer's request.
At our shop, we have completed an all-you-can-eat menu by carefully selecting 50 delicious Chinese dishes from a number of menus. All-you-can-eat is a very popular menu, so please enjoy delicious Chinese food with your family and friends.
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Shinsoen iidabashi

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