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Shinsoen akihabara store about us

The Shinsoen Akihabara store has opened in Akihabara as the 8th store of the Shinsoen Group, which has 8 stores in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The existing stores are developing authentic Chinese restaurants centered on Sichuan and Shanghai cuisine, and while preserving the traditional taste, the new style Chinese cuisine of Shanghai, China "Nouvelle chinois (new cuisine incorporating French cuisine, etc.) It's a creative Chinese restaurant that incorporates "the taste of food, serving, etc." And he has developed a new menu called "Two-for-one. Compare the taste! / Tabekurabe Set" that was born from customer feedback. This tabekurabe menu is designed so that even a small number of people can enjoy more dishes, and you can compare the popular appetizers, shrimp dishes, mapo tofu, and dim sum.

Japan's first !! Compare 4 types of mapo tofu!
At our shop, we have ordinary mapo tofu (red mapo tofu), Sichuan's spicy mapo tofu (black mapo tofu), new salty and spicy white mapo tofu (white mapo tofu), and soup. We have prepared four types of lineup of mapo tofu (Kin mapo tofu), which is characterized by the ultimate golden soup that is particular about the ingredients. Incorporating the voice of customers who want to eat more dishes even with a small number of people, we have prepared a menu where you can compare them. This is the first attempt in Japan to compare the taste of this taste. Please enjoy it by all means.


Sichuan cuisine is very famous for its spiciness. Authentic Sichuan cuisine is not only spicy but also has a unique flavor. There are four hidden flavors to make that taste.
These are the spicy Sichuan pepper "Raa", the Chinese pepper "Maa", which is characterized by its numbing spiciness, the salty "Shen", and the hot "Tan". The feature is that these flavors are fused to create a unique umami.
Shinsoen is a shop that has professional cooks who use spices from Sichuan, China, and realize their taste. 


We have received the patronage of many customers in the history of more than 10 years since our establishment.
We have listened to many voices from our customers and devised menus and provision methods that match their needs and the trends of the times. And at the akihabara store, we have started offering a "eating comparison menu" that allows even a small number of people to enjoy more dishes. As a store, it will be a burden to make in small quantities, but we will strive to get as many delicious smiles as possible. 


Sichuan cuisine and two popular Shanghai cuisine. Shanghai cuisine uses Shanghai Tamari soy sauce, etc., and is characterized by a taste based on salted fish, aroma, acidity, and sweetness. The Shinsoen style offers a small amount of the authentic traditional taste that is easy to eat. Please enjoy a lot of delicious Shanghai cuisine. 


The akihabara store also has Chinese-speaking staff for inbound support.
Please feel free to contact the store staff. 

Shinsoen akihabara

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