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Shinsoen osaki store information

Shinsoen osaki store information 03-6450-4818

■ Business hours: 11:0 -15:00/17:00-22:00 (L.O.21:30)
■ Regular holiday: Open all year round
■ Total number of seats: 80 seats
■ Banquet seats: Completely private room (2 to 35 people) / can be reserved * Consultation required
■ Facilities / Equipment: Children's chairs / toilet Western style Equipped with a wine cellar, can watch sports, can use a microphone, has a projector screen
■ Communication environment: Softbank, NTT DoCoMo, au Wi-Fi
■ Card usage: VISA MasterCard etc.

新荘園大崎店個室Osaki Bright Tower store, a new villa with a modern chic look.
There is a space here that brings calm and healing.
The Osaki store will heal you with food and alcohol, who are hard-working in business and communication with people.
<★ The photo is an entrance image>

新荘園大崎店個室All Osaki stores are private room seats with doors and partitions.
We accept various banquets from 2 to 35 people depending on the number of people. We also offer consultation on plans that meet the needs of our customers. (Flower arrangement, cake preparation, etc.)
Please feel free to contact the store staff.
<★ The photo is an image of the floor inside the store>

新荘園大崎店個室A modern and chic designer luxury space where you can spend time with that important person.
Enjoy authentic Chinese food and wine in a calm atmosphere.
It will surely produce the supreme moment for you.
<★ The photo is an image of a private room for 6 people>

新荘園大崎店個室Designer's luxury private room with a calm atmosphere with greenery. (* Artificial flower)
It is a completely private room that can accommodate up to 20 people. Please use it widely for special meetings and banquets.
<★ The photo is an image of a designer luxury private room>


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