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Introduction of food space producer & photo artist "Yumiko Suga

Yumiko, a food space producer and photo artist. Mr. Suga (Yumiko Suga) is a producer who creates a dining space in a restaurant. In an era when delicious food is commonplace, it is very important to create a dining space that will satisfy our customers. Shinsoen is actively working to create a dining space that includes spacious seats.
With the grand opening of the Msb Tamachi store, Mrs. Suga, a food space producer and photo artist who has already cooperated as a wine advisor at the Osaki store (wine and creative Chinese food), is in charge of the photo art of flowers decorating the store. I received it.
Mrs. Suga is a flower teacher (NFD certified instructor) and a flower designer, so he makes art flowers by himself, takes pictures by himself, and as a photographic artist, until he finishes a photographic art work that combines them. Consistently.
The work produced this time is a poster work in which the black-and-white photographic art presented at the exhibition is color-coordinated according to the image color in the store.
We hope that it will help our customers to have a relaxing dining space. 


<Title: My Small Steps Forward >

<Author: Mrs.Yumiko Suga. >

■ Profile
Born in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Graduated from Hattori Nutrition College.
Representative of Yumiko's design office
Since 2007, he has been in charge of food photography and food space photography at a company that produces menus, posters, and websites.
She has acquired knowledge in a wide range of fields such as table coordination, flower design, and aroma-related to produce food, and has acquired many qualifications and became an instructor.
Taking advantage of her expertise, she is engaged in a wide range of activities as a store producer who creates food spaces, such as product planning and creating comfortable food spaces. She also learned more photography and digital technology at a photography school around the same time, and now supports high-quality digital image processing in general, creating new photographic art that goes beyond mere photography.
We are actively working on it.

■Main qualifications, etc.

  1. Licensed cook (Hattori Nutrition College)
  2. Food Education Instructor (NPO Food Education Instructor Association)
  3. Certified table coordination instructor (Japan Table Designers Association)
  4. Food Education Life Coordinator (Japan Table Designers Association)
  5. Food Coordinator (Japan Food Coordinator Association)
  6. NFD Lecturer (Japan Flower Designers Association)
  7. First-class flower designer (Japan Flower Designers Association)
  8. Color Coordinator (Color Certification Association)
  9. Medical Herb Coordinator (Japan Medical Herb Association)
  10. Herbal Therapist (Japan Medical Herb Association)
  11. Ayurveda Advisor (Japan Ayurveda Promotion Association)
  12. Ayurvedic Therapist (Japan Ayurvedic Promotion Association)

Shinsoen Tamachi store

  • 単品メニュー
  • 定食&セットメニュー
  • コース料理メニュー