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Kamakura shinsoen about us

Kamakura Shinsoen offers a large number of set meals such as rice bowls using local Shonan Shirasuya and seafood, Japanese set meals and Chinese dishes. And Chinese food is a professional chef who offers authentic taste. This is the only restaurant in Japan where you can eat authentic Japanese food using Shonan Shirasu and authentic Chinese food made by an authentic Chinese chef !! When you come to Kamakura sightseeing, please drop in at Kamakura Shinsoen !!


Kamakura vegetables are getting a lot of attention these days.
At Kamakura Shinsoen, we also have a menu that purchases this. Kamakura vegetables can also be purchased at the Kamakura Farmers Market.
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Kamakura ham is one of the ham brands that are processed meat products. It is a famous ham that originated in Kamakura, which is said to have started in 1874 (Meiji 7) when British engineer William Curtis started the livestock industry in Kamakura District, Kanagawa Prefecture, and sold it to foreigners in Yokohama. <★ The photo is an image> 


Kamakura Beer is a beer that was born and raised in Kamakura and is made entirely by hand. "Kamakura Beer" is handmade with live yeast. It is also characterized by its unique taste and wide variety. Only about 100 kiloliters are produced annually. When you come to Kamakura, please try it according to the local ingredients. <★ The photo is an image>

日本料理 The Japanese menu at Kamakura Shinsoen is cooked by the chef who was the main chef at a famous Japanese restaurant in Tokyo. We will create a delicious smile for everyone with carefully selected ingredients and cooking unique to a chef who knows the ingredients. <★ The photo is an image>

中国料理シーンChinese food at Kamakura Shinsoen is cooked by a full-time cook invited from China. Shinsoen Group store is an authentic Chinese restaurant with 5 stores in Tokyo. We believe that Japanese food, authentic food, and Chinese food will meet your expectations with authentic taste. (* Chinese food is only offered at the main store) <★ The photo is an image>


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